Squishy And Crazy Ornament


SKU: 500-683 Categories: , , Tags: , , , , ,


Kellie's Designs

Design Name: 500-683 (4×4)
Number of different colors used in sewout: 5
Size: 3.80″(w) X 3.80″(h) (96.5 X 96.5mm)
Total Stitches: 14662
Project Instructions Included:

CC1: Magenta – Placement stitch – sew directly on stabilizer and cover with material
CC2: Black – Words
CC3: Red  – Border
CC4: Flesh Pink  – Grommet placement stitch
CC5: Applique Material – Place backing material under hoop and run final bean stitch.

Supplies Used:

White Cut Away stabilizer: https://amzn.to/3yX9bYQ
Black Cut Away stabilizer: https://amzn.to/4638pYp
Embroidery thread: https://amzn.to/3Z6v2Ib
Kai serrated scissors: https://amzn.to/3ni0Exl
4″ duckbill applique scissors: https://amzn.to/3Gcl4y1
Crop-a-dile grommet setter: https://amzn.to/3FQCjEP
3/16 inch grommets: https://amzn.to/3suyDpe

You can find more of my favorite supplies here!

You are purchasing a MACHINE EMBROIDERY DESIGN PATTERN. You will need an embroidery machine to stitch this design out. Please be sure to review the design size BEFORE purchasing.

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If you need to convert the file to another format, please convert the PES file as that is the native digitized format.

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Copyright 2024 – Kellie’s Designs, All Rights Reserved.

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